Kava is a non-alcoholic drink, made from the root of the kava plant. The root is steeped and squeezed in cold water to extract the active ingredient kavalactone. Kavalactone provides a feeling of relaxation, euphoria, and warm conversation when consumed in a social setting.

Historically kava has been cultivated and cherished by Polynesian cultures for centuries. Today kava is grown and commercially exported by various pacific island communities including Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, Papua, Samoa, and the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Neshama Kava is family owned and operated by the founders Ben & Beka. Ben was born and raised in Hawaii, and steeped in a tradition of knowledge and craftsmanship in the kava experience. Beka plays her role as herbalist & interior designer. 

Kava is a safe and healthy alternative to alcohol and other damaging substances. Consumed daily or intermittently, socially or ceremonially, kava provides a variety of benefits, both individually and societally.

At Neshama Kava our goal is to provide our customers with a fun and healthy kava experience. We source our kava root from the highest quality commercial distributors on the market. Our supplier provides third party testing for cleanliness and potency. We extract our high grade kava root into Mountain Valley Spring Water, for the ultimate taste and health experience.